
Please stop searching for the next fad diet

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YOU are unique and YOU are an individual and one size does NOT fill all.

?Please stop wasting your time AND money looking for the next quick fix.

??‍♀️A #faddiet is usually pretty easy to start with, then gets harder over time and is super hard to sustain!!

So is this really the best option for you long term?

??‍♀️I’m going to say no.

Developing a healthy mindset and relationship with food for the long term is SO much harder. There is no ‘plan’, pill, shake or bar that can do this for you.


So what SHOULD you do?!

?Eat your veggies. Eat your fruit. Don’t eliminate any foods or food groups. Work on developing a healthy relationship with food.

This message is not as sexy, and in some ways, the extreme is easier - but only in the short term!

Ask yourself, “Is this something I can do for the rest of my life?” OR “Is it something you can afford or sustain for the rest of your life?”

The answer to these questions should help you next time you catch yourself questioning something you’ve heard online, from a family member, friend or Susan at work.



written for you by

Melissa Eaton

A university qualified Nutritionist (BSc ANutr.), teacher and research assistant from Sydney, Australia.

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